You don’t want to spend all day on hold. When you’re looking for more information about any of our products, services or any aspect of Bardons & Oliver, you want to connect with the person who can help. Our structure and directly available expertise minimize contact confusion.
Parts Department
Order Parts:
Mike McClung
E-mail Mike McClung
Phone: 440-498-5800 x332
Please have your machine model and serial number ready.
Sales/Business Development Managers
Headquarters – Tom Van Horne
E-mail Tom Van Horne
Phone: 440-498-5800 x233
Cell: 216-387-0193
United States/International Machine Sales – Vernon Fabry
E-mail Vern Fabry
Phone: 440-498-5800 x228
Cell: 216-409-7623
Customer Service and Field Service
E-mail Service
Phone: 440-498-5800 x333
Contract Machining – Brett Baldi
E-mail Brett Baldi
Phone: 440-498-5800 x214
General Inquiries
Our leadership team is always willing to listen. Find contact information here.
Don’t see a logical contact for your question?
Simply email Bardons & Oliver, or fill out the form on this page, and we’ll get your answer.