Owning a Bardons & Oliver Machine is a great investment for your company. Maintaining your system will result in many years of productive service for your company. Included with the instruction manual for your machine is a suggested spare parts list. These are necessary parts that will play an important role in keeping your machine running longer and getting it running sooner whenever it has to be taken out of service for preventive maintenance and repair.
You can trust that these recommendations are based on years of experience in terms of serving our customers immediate needs. Most of which can be quickly replaced by a shop maintenance technician.
Here are categories we consider when determining how to best maintain your system:
Wear items: belts, bearings, rollers, wipers and seals
Electrical Items: fuses, photo eyes, proximity switches and sensors
Hydraulics/Pneumatics: filters, valves - One of each type of valve on the machine
Another important factor to consider is lead time. Today’s world of Lean Manufacturing and Just in Time product deliveries has put downward pressure on the availability of parts affecting every industry. What does this mean for you? It means partner with us as not every part for every machine can realistically be stocked in a warehouse. So if you are scheduled to do large Preventive Maintenance on your system, check with us ahead of time. If there is a major long lead time component not already on our shelf, we will make sure it is scheduled for manufacturing and ready when you need it. Our Parts and Service personnel are a valuable resource for you to trust to make the right maintenance and replacement part stocking decisions.